

On this page you will find the development of my Necron army. Each time, a little bit of the story will be revealed about Necron overlord Zarthek and his journey to absolute power. These episodes will show detailed images of different Necron units who are part of the storyline.

Stay tuned for more updates about overlord Zarthek! 

List of published episodes:

Necrons episode 1: The rise of Overlord Zarthek

War. In a galaxy with millions of planets, many different races are at war with each other. To conquer. To survive. To grow in power and dominate others. Most planets are home to different species like humans, Orks and other beings. However, many planets are now dead worlds, largely lifeless and barren deserts. But are they?

One planet in particular, Kronus, is one of the tomb worlds of the Necrons. Millions of years ago the inhabitants of Kronus, called the Necrontyrs, were part of a dynasty that would hold a handful of ancestral worlds. By the trickery of the Star gods, the same fate had befallen these Necrontyrs that turned them into the robotic humanoids as are known today.

This dynasty was called 'Oruscar' and was known for their advanced technological wonders and the drive to expand their dynasty through conquest, whatever the cost may be. For this reason, the inhabitants of Oruscar were both feared by enemies and respected by other dynasties.

Recently, something began to stir deep inside the necropolis beneath the surface of Kronus. Huge machines were activating again and corridors began to lit up. Large rooms where filled with vibrating sounds and the ground itself began to tremble. The entire tomb world would awaken its sleepers in a rigid and predictable algorithmic sequence.

The stasis chamber of the Necron Overlord was powered once again and Zarthek, who lay in a black stone sarcophagus, began to rise for the first time since millions of years. A single thought was on his mind.

"There is much work to be done..."

Necrons episode 2: The awakening of the tomb world

Necron Overlord Zarthek has finally awoken from his long hibernation. As he is walking the long and eerie lighted corridors of his necropolis, many Canoptek Scarabs are busy all around him speeding up the awakening process. Things are looking good so far. While he is thinking about the next steps to take, the echoes of his footsteps are bouncing of the walls into the far distance...

First he needs to analyse the current status of the planet by exploring the surface. Kronus needs to be cleansed from whatever may be out there. In order to do this, he needs to activate his legions of Warriors and Immortals.

The activation of the many statis chambers is going slowly, much slower than Zarthek thought it would. The power supply is low and many machines are not responding at all. He needs to direct his focus to a few chambers at a time and wait for the awakening to complete.

Time is, however, a vague concept for the immortal mind of Zarthek. He knows that efficient awakening from the long sleep is going to help him achieve his plans much faster. The amount of time needed for this process does not matter, after being in hibernation for millions of years.

The first thing he needs to help him are Warriors. While the Canoptek Scarabs are rebuilding broken power supplies and repairing machines, the Warriors can start scouring the surface for any signs of intruders.

"One step at a time leads to sure victory. I have all the time I need..."